Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Camera Angles and shots

 Camera Angles

Long shot: Establishes the setting, or location something happened. This can also be used to show horizon shots.

Extreme Long Shot: Can be taken from a distance to show the location on the place the scene was taken.

Full Shot: full bodied shot. Almost life sized.

Mid Shot: Used in older movies mainly when two characters are interacting. It gives the idea that those two are the ones that need to be focused on at that time.

Close up: gives way to little back ground, and puts all focus on a part of something such as a face. The background is usually a blur in these shots.

Extreme Close Up: showing only certain parts, such as an eye, with no background in view at all.

Birds Eye: taken from overhead, and is usually an unnatrual angle.

High Angle: not as extreme as a Birds Eye, but is still elevated above the scene.

Low angle: Gives height to the scene, and is prefered by shorter actors

Eye level: shot as if you are looking at the scene yourself

pictures from Google.